


Digestion is the main part of human health. If the digestive system is not well, the human is not able to perform any function, there are many ways by which the psyche can improve the digestive system.
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·       Chewing well
Chewing is very crucial for proper digestion. Chewing help for digest food properly. So take your time and chews eat time 20-30 times before swallowing.
·       Eat Plenty of Fiber
It is important that you eat adequate amounts of fiber, whether soluble or insoluble. This is enough to easily transfer your food through your intestine. Also, some fatty foods are difficult to digest, so eat fiber mixed with such foods.
·       Drink Water
Drink plenty of water to your diet with digestion by dissolving fats and soluble fiber - this allows food to pass through your intestine more easily.
·       Exercise
Moving your body - take walks or jog, lifting weights or doing yoga - keep foods moving through your digestive system. Exercise increase blood flow to your organs and engages muscles in the gastrointestinal tract.
·       Reduce Stress
Feeling of stress or anxiety can weak your digestive system because your brain and digestive system are connected. Try some stress relieving exercises; take proper sleep and relaxation techniques.
·       Eat warm Food
It is best to eat warmth food because our digestive requires warmth to break down food properly. Try incorporating soups, cooked vegetables or teas in to diet.
·       Quit Smoking
Smoking can have a serious negative impact on your digestive system because it weakens the valve at the end of the esophagus, it also increase the risk of gastrointestinal cancers.
·       Drink Less Alcohol
Alcohol weakens your digestive system. Alcohol interferes with acid secretion, stomach muscles and nutrient absorption, so be careful not to drink too much.
·       Maintain Weight

Being even a few pounds over weight can cause digestive issues; the valve between the stomach and esophagus sometime wont close completely, which allows stomach acid back in to esophagus. So properly maintain weight.

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